Author Archives: julianne

Practice Update 18th Jan 2021

Due to the continued high level of Covid 19 in the community we will continue to do our consultations by telephone only.

  1. If you need to see a doctor, please call us on 01 8203303. Our phones lines are extremely busy so thank you for your patience, we will get to you.
  2. You will receive a call from your GP and your symptoms will be managed over the phone. Should a prescription be required this will be emailed to your chosen pharmacy.
  3. Should your GP decide you need urgent attention and it is not covid related, an appointment will be given with one of our GP’s who will look after the most urgent medical issue ONLY. Unfortunately, we cannot offer a GP of choice service presently. All covid related problems will be referred to the community hubs.
  4. This face to face consultation will be carried out in the safest possible way for both patient and GP with all infection controls in place and only the most urgent issue will be dealt with at this time.
  5. For all routine services like blood tests, we are not carrying them out currently and will review this on a week to week basis.  Ante natal appointments resumed this week, as did childhood vaccinations.  These are designated clinics and all infection controls adhered to.  We are booking them in on a phased basis and we ask for your patience while we work through these appointments.
  6. We have been advised by Connolly Hospital that their GP Phlebotomy service is on hold until further notice.
  7. Of note, we are getting inundated with calls regarding the covid vaccine. We do not know if and when this vaccine will be available to GP’s to administer and will keep our patients notified as and when we do.

Practice Update 11/01/2021

Due to the high circulation of the Covid-19 Virus in the community we will continue to do telephone triage/telephone consultations until directed otherwise by Public Health/ICGP

What does this mean?

  1. If you need to see a doctor, please call us on 01 8203303. Our phones lines are extremely busy so thank you for your patience, we will get to you.
  2. You will receive a call from your GP and your symptoms will be managed over the phone. Should a prescription be required this will be emailed to your chosen pharmacy.
  3. Should your GP decide you need urgent attention and it is not covid related, an appointment will be given with one of our GP’s who will look after the most urgent medical issue ONLY. Unfortunately, we cannot offer a GP of choice service presently. All covid related problems will be referred to the community hubs.
  4. This face to face consultation will be carried out in the safest possible way for both patient and GP with all infection controls in place and only the most urgent issue will be dealt with at this time.
  5. For all routine services like blood tests, we are not carrying them out currently and will review this on a week to week basis.  Ante natal appointments will resume next week, as will childhood vaccinations.  These will be designated clinics with all infection controls adhered to.  They will be booked in on a phased basis and we ask for your patience while we work through these appointments.

We will ask any patients feeling unwell NOT to attend these appointments. 

Ante natal: 

  1. You will be given your scheduled appointment time.
  2. Arrive for your appointment and ring the buzzer to let us know you have arrived.
  3. Wait outside in your car, keep your phone on and available.
  4. The GP will ring you and go through all the necessary information prior to bringing you in.
  5. You will be brought into our designated consulting room for the examination part of the visit.
  6. Only the examination part of the visit will be done, no other queries can be dealt with.
  7. The GP will be in full PPE gear.

Childhood Vaccines

  1. You will be given your scheduled appointment time.
    1. Arrive for your appointment, just one well parent/guardian and the child to be vaccinated should come for this appointment.
    1. Ring the buzzer to let us know you have arrived.
    1. Wait outside in your car, keep your phone on and available.
    1. The Practice Nurse will ring you and go through all the necessary information prior to bringing you in.
    1. You and the child to be vaccinated will be brought into our designated consulting room
    1. Only the vaccination will be done, no other queries can be dealt with.
    1. The Practice Nurse will be in full PPE gear.
  • There is a fee of 40 euro for telephone consultations and no fee for medical card patients and to ease the pressure on our phone lines we are asking that this payment is made when making the appointment.
  • Prescription requests will be managed in the same way as before, ring or drop in your prescription request. This will be reviewed by your GP and your prescription will be emailed to your chosen pharmacy. There is a 10 euro charge for this and we will ask for payment upon request to alleviate the pressure on our phone lines.
  • Certs- this will be managed on an individual basis, there may be a 10 euro charge for certs.
  • All the above is subject to change as we move forward however, we will keep you up to date on this website.

Practice Update 04/01/2021

Due to the high circulation of the Covid 19 Virus in the community we will return to telephone triage/telephone consultations until directed otherwise by Public Health

What does this mean?

  1. If you need to see a doctor, please call us on 10 8203303. Our phones lines are extremely busy so thank you for your patience, we will get to you.
  2. You will receive a call from your GP and your symptoms will be managed over the phone. Should a prescription be required this will be emailed to your chosen pharmacy.
  3. Should your GP decide you need urgent attention and it is not covid related, an appointment will be given with one of our GP’s who will look after the most urgent medical issue ONLY. Unfortunately we cannot offer a GP of choice service presently. All covid related problems will be referred to the community hubs.
  4. This face to face consultation will be carried out in the safest possible way for both patient and GP with all infection controls in place and only the most urgent issue will be dealt with at this time.
  5. For all routine issues like blood tests, we are not carrying them out this week, and will be directed by Public Health re restarting this service.
  6. There is a fee of 40 euro for telephone consultations and no fee for medical card patients and to ease the pressure on our phone lines we are asking that this payment is made when making the appointment.
  7. Prescription requests will be managed in the same way as before, ring or drop in your prescription request. This will be reviewed by your GP and your prescription will be emailed to your chosen pharmacy. There is a 10 euro charge for this and we will ask for payment upon request to alleviate the pressure on our phone lines.
  8. Certs- this will be managed on an individual basis, there may be a 10 euro charge for certs.
  9. All the above is subject to change as we move forward however we will keep you up to date on this website.

Christmas Hours 2020

Monday 21st December 9am-12.30pm2pm-5.15pm
Tuesday 22nd December 9am-12.30pm2pm-5.15pm
Wednesday 23rd December 9am-12.30pm2pm-4.30pm
Thursday 24th December 9am – 12pmEmergencies Only
Friday 25th December Closed
Saturday 26th DecemberClosed
Sunday 27th DecemberClosed
Monday 28th DecemberClosed
Tuesday 29th December9am-12.30pmEmergencies only
Wednesday 30th December9am-12.30pmEmergencies only
Thursday 31st December9am-12pmEmergencies only
Friday 1st December Closed

For medical assistance outside these hours please contact

NORTHDOC on 1850 22 44 77

Surgery reopens Monday 4th January to normal hours

Clinic’s during this period are for EMERGENCIES ONLY

Routine appointments, ante natal appointments, childhood vaccines will not be carried out during this time.

Child Flu Vaccine (2-12 year old)

The flu vaccine for children aged between 2 and 12 years of age is now available. Full information can be found on the HSE website or by clicking the link below

Due to the high volume of children in our practice and the current day to day demands for appointments we will be running designated vaccine clinics, the first clinic is scheduled for Saturday 24th October 2020. If demand dictates, there will be two scheduled midweek clinics running week commencing Monday 2nd November 2020.

These appointments are strictly practice approved appointments. Prior to an appointment being made, we are asking that

  1. The parent/guardian of the child fully reads the consent form attached here.
  2. All aspects of the consent form to be filled out and returned by hand to the surgery.
  3. This will be reviewed and the relevant appointment will be made.

Adult Flu Vaccine Update

We have received notification of a shortage of supply of Adult Flu Vaccines for our scheduled delivery next week. We understand it is a nationwide shipping issue and all is being done by the HSE to get these vaccines out to GP Practices as quick as possible. From 28th October we will not be in a position to offer any appointments for a flu vaccine. Our aim was to prioritise our most vulnerable patients and at risk groups with our previous deliveries, which we did, and our hope is to resume these clinics as soon as adequate stocks arrive. Thank you for your support and understanding. We will continue to update the situation on this page.

HSE Guidance for Parents re Symptoms of Covid-19

Below is the link to the HSE website to help parents assess and manage their child. Section E may be of particular interest in determining if contact with your GP is required.

Practice Update 15/06/2020


We can now offer the following types of appointments

Face to Face GP                  60euro

Face to Face Nurse            40euro

Tele Consultation             40euro

The Process

  1. Ring 01 8203303 and request an appointment
  2. You will be asked the relevant Covid questions
  3. Based on these answers a face to face or telephone consultation appointment will be made.

The Appointment

  1. Face to Face – our car park is now our waiting room, we would ask that you come on time for your appointment, notify us that you are outside.  We will alert your GP that you have arrived and we will bring you inside when your GP is ready to see you.
  2. We have a one way entry and one way exit system currently being used, you will enter from our side entrance and leave from our front entrance – this is to ensure social distancing is adhered to all the time.
  3. We ask that you “travel light” so no buggies/car seats/jackets/scarves etc – where possible just your car keys and preferred method of payment
  4. As per public health guidelines, a face to face consultation should be no more than 15 minutes therefore if you feel you need more time with your GP please let us know and we will organize a telephone consultation instead.
  5. For children, only one well parent/guardian can accompany the child in to the GP and we ask that siblings are not brought in where possible.
  6. All blood appointments must be GP lead, it is not possible to book in for bloods without prior discussion/consultation with a GP.
  7. Telephone Consultations: We will make every attempt to do same day telephone consultations however this may not always be possible  due to the nature of our business, and may roll over to the following day


  1. Prescription requests – these will be GP lead, your GP may need to see you before a prescription request can be processed or alternatively they may need to do a “script review” telephone call which will incur a fee of 20 euro.  All prescriptions are emailed to your chosen pharmacy usually 48 hours after your order request.  Please note you need to advise your pharmacy you have a prescription to be filled.
  • Social Welfare certs

These are now sent online directly from your medical file.  All requests will be reviewed by your GP prior to sending and you will be notified if a review visit is necessary.  The turnaround time for ordering your cert to submitting your cert is 48 hours.

  • GP call backs

Unfortunately due to the time constraints are GPs are all under, particularly since Covid 19, it is no longer possible for a GP to return a call.  If it is a simple follow up based on a previous consultation please leave the query with one of our secretaries who will endeavour to get it resolved as quickly as possible.  For everything else please make an appointment for a telephone consultation which will be scheduled in due course.