Author Archives: julianne

Practice Update 22/03/2021

We are now currently making appointments for our next cohort for Covid Vaccinations. This relates to our patients aged 75-79. If you fall into this category you will receive a letter over the next day or two with your appointment details and all the relevant information needed.

We have been informed by the HSE that our next delivery will be less than expected and as such we don’t know how many patients we can look after in this clinic. As always we will endeavor to vaccinate as many patients as we can, but please be aware we may not be able to vaccinate all in this cohort and as the issue is supply, we have no control over this.

If you do not receive a letter we ask that you fill out the consent form on the previous post and return it to us. If we can’t get you into this next clinic we will prioritise you for the next one. Again we must stress this is purely a supply issue and completely out of our control and as such ask for your patience.

Wed 17th & Thurs 18th March

We will be closed Wednesday 17th March due to St Patrick’s Day. If you need medical assistance please contact Northdoc on 1850 22 44 77

Covid Vaccination Clinic

We have contacted everyone in our 2nd age cohort for vaccination this Thursday. We will be in touch with you when it is your age cohort, so please watch this website weekly.

On Thursday 18/03/2021 as we will be busy vaccinating our over 80 year old patients the following will apply

  1. Dr Orla’s phone in service will not be operational.
  2. All our GP’s and our nurse will be vaccinating all morning so they will not be able to look after any other medical queries
  3. We will, however have a GP doing routine telephone consultations from 10am to 12pm and will open as usual for the afternoon

As you can imagine, this is a big task and one we are very proud to take on, we would appreciate your co-operation in making this Thursday a huge success.

Covid Vaccination for over 70’s

Dear Patient,

Below please find all the information you need regarding our Covid Vaccination schedule. As directed by the HSE we are looking after the relevant cohorts in order of age, we have successfully completed our first vaccine clinic for our over 85’s and are now working through bookings for our next cohort of 80-84 year old patients.

If you are over 70 and would like to receive the vaccine in our surgery, please print off the two letters below, one is an information letter and the other a consent form. Please read the letter carefully, fill out the consent form and return it to us asap. The consent form will be looked at by our medical team and if everything is in order, we will keep it on file for when your age cohort is due.

To give you an idea of when to provisonally expect your vaccine here is the schedule of clinic dates. Please note this is completely supply dependent!

Clinic 1                  04/03/2021                         Vaccine 1 for patients over 85

Clinic 2                  18/03/2021                         Vaccine 1 for patients 80-84

Clinic 3                  01/04/2021                         Vaccine 1 for patients 75-80 and vaccine 2 over 85 yrs

Clinic 4                  15/04/2021                         Vaccine 1 for patients 70-74 and vaccine 2 80-84 yrs

Clinic 5                  29/04/2021                         Vaccine 2 for patients 75-80 yrs

Clinic 6                  13/05/2021                         Vaccine 2 for our patients 70-74 yr olds.

If you do not have a printer, we have printed plenty in the surgery already so please feel free to ask at reception.

Covid Vaccination Clinic

We have contacted everyone in our first age cohort for vaccination this Thursday. We will be in touch with you when it is your age cohort, so please watch this website weekly.

On Thursday 04/03/2021 as we will be busy vaccinating our over 85 year old patients the following will apply

  1. Dr Orla’s phone in service will not be operational.
  2. All our GP’s and our nurse will be vaccinating all morning so they will not be able to look after any other medical queries
  3. We will, however have a GP doing routine telephone consultations from 10am to 12pm and will open as usual for the afternoon

As you can imagine, this is a big task and one we are very proud to take on, we would appreciate your co-operation in making this Thursday a huge success.

Covid Vaccination Clinic

Dear Patient

We are delighted to be able to let you know that we are now in a position to orgainise the roll out of the Coronavirus vaccine to all our practice population over 70 years of age. The vaccine you will be getting is  the Pfizer-Biotech Covid 19 vaccine. You will get two vaccines four weeks apart.

The vaccine will be administered in a dedicated vaccine clinic, that will be run alternate Thursday mornings in the practice by our GP’s and Practice Nurse.  The clinics will start at 9am, there will be no flexibility in terms of changing the time of your appointment.

Clinic 1                  04/03/2021                         Vaccine 1 for patients over 85

Clinic 2                  18/03/2021                         Vaccine 1 for patients 80-84

Clinic 3                  01/04/2021                         Vaccine 1 for patients 75-80 and vaccine 2 over 85 yrs

Clinic 4                  15/04/2021                         Vaccine 1 for patients 70-74 and vaccine 2 80-84 yrs

Clinic 5                  29/04/2021                         Vaccine 2 for patients 75-80 yrs

Clinic 6                  13/05/2021                         Vaccine 2 for our patients 70-74 yr olds.

As you can imagine, this is a big task and we would really appreciate your co operation.

  • Please arrive at your allocated time
  • Please wear loose clothing so that the vaccinator can get at your upper arm easily
  • You will be vaccinated in one room by either Nurse Denise or one of the GP’s
  • You will then be asked to wait in the waiting room for fifteen minutes after your vaccine to check that you are ok.
  • You are then free to leave.
  • You will be given a note of possible side effects on leaving the surgery.
  • This particular visit to the practice will be for your vaccine alone and unfortunately nothing else can be dealt with at this time.
  • If you have any symptoms of covid 19 or you have tested postive for Covid 19, please do not attend for your appointment.
  • If you are just recuperating from any illness or Covid 19, you need to ring the surgery and let the admin staff know, they will liase with the medical staff and advise you.

All of the above will be done adhering to social distancing, mask wearing and hand hygiene.

As mentioned above your second vaccine will be Thursday four weeks after your first vaccine and you will receive this date on an appointment card when leaving the surgery.

  • You will not be reminded of this, your second appointment
  • You cannot have the appointment at any other time or day
  • You cannot have the vaccine unless you arrive at the proper time, on the right day.

Key Points:

  • Your appointment time and date is not fully confirmed until you return the consent form included.
  • This confirmation will be via a text message to the mobile telephone number you have documented on your consent form.
  • Your second vaccine will be at the same time as the first, on a Thursday four weeks later, you will not be reminded of this appointment and you cannot change the time or date of this appointment.

Due to the constraints of the vaccine itself and the timing of our deliveries there is no flexibility in the above system.

Our understanding is that those that are housebound will be cared for via the HSE, please let us know is this applies to you and we will do our best to get you looked after.

We would respectfully ask that you read this very carefully as it includes all the information that will enable you to receive your two doses of vaccine in a safe and timely manner. The phones are very busy with queries so please check our website first, this is updated every Monday by lunchtime.

As mentioned above, we are delighted and honoured to be able to provide our community with this service!

Kind Regards, The team at the Parks Medical Centre

Practice Update 15/02/2021

Dear Patient,

We have started to plan for the rollout of the Covid Vaccine

We have placed our order and are awaiting confirmation of the order and scheduled delivery date. The order will be fortnightly and the vaccine clinics will run from here every fortnight but until we know our exact delivery date we cannot confirm this

As soon as we know this, we will be starting with the following cohorts

Patients aged 85+

Patients aged 84-80

Patients aged 79-74

Patients aged 74-70

If you fall into the above cohort, there is no need for you to call the surgery. We will be in touch with you when we know more. It is all subject to the HSE vaccine delivery schedule, however be assured we will be ready to vaccinate as soon as we can.

Practice Update 01/02/2021

Due to the continued high level of Covid 19 in the community we will continue to do our consultations by telephone only.

  1. If you need to see a doctor, please call us on 01 8203303. Our phones lines are extremely busy so thank you for your patience, we will get to you.
  2. You will receive a call from your GP and your symptoms will be managed over the phone. Should a prescription be required this will be emailed to your chosen pharmacy.
  3. Should your GP decide you need urgent attention and it is not covid related, an appointment will be given with one of our GP’s who will look after the most urgent medical issue ONLY. Unfortunately, we cannot offer a GP of choice service presently.
  4. This face to face consultation will be carried out in the safest possible way for both patient and GP with all infection controls in place and only the most urgent issue will be dealt with at this time.
  5. For all nursing services like blood tests, we are managing these on a “medically based need to be done” currently. This is reviewed weekly, there is limited availability and we ask for your patience while we recommence these services while following all infection prevention protocols. 
  6. Ante natal appointments and childhood vaccinations have recommenced and are designated clinics with all infection controls adhered to. 
  7. Ante natal clinics are currently running on Monday mornings. These appointments are booked in on a phased basis and we ask for your patience while we work through these appointments.
  8. We have been advised by Connolly Hospital that their GP Phlebotomy service is on hold until further notice.
  9. Of note, we are getting inundated with calls regarding the covid vaccine. We do not know if and when this vaccine will be available to GP’s to administer and will keep our patients notified as and when we do

Practice Update 25/01/2021

Due to the continued high level of Covid 19 in the community we will continue to do our consultations by telephone only.

  1. If you need to see a doctor, please call us on 01 8203303. Our phones lines are extremely busy so thank you for your patience, we will get to you.
  2. You will receive a call from your GP and your symptoms will be managed over the phone. Should a prescription be required this will be emailed to your chosen pharmacy.
  3. Should your GP decide you need urgent attention and it is not covid related, an appointment will be given with one of our GP’s who will look after the most urgent medical issue ONLY. Unfortunately, we cannot offer a GP of choice service presently. All covid related problems will be referred to the community hubs.
  4. This face to face consultation will be carried out in the safest possible way for both patient and GP with all infection controls in place and only the most urgent issue will be dealt with at this time.
  5. For all nursing services like blood tests, we are managing these on a “medically based need to be done” currently. This is reviewed weekly.   Ante natal appointments and childhood vaccinations have recommenced and are designated clinics with all infection controls adhered to.  These appointments are booked in on a phased basis and we ask for your patience while we work through these appointments.
  6. We have been advised by Connolly Hospital that their GP Phlebotomy service is on hold until further notice.
  7. Of note, we are getting inundated with calls regarding the covid vaccine. We do not know if and when this vaccine will be available to GP’s to administer and will keep our patients notified as and when we do