Author Archives: julianne

Summer Hours

Please note there will no evening surgeries on Monday and Thursday evenings for July and August. Normal evening surgeries should resume in September. Should you need medical assistance outside our opening hours please contact Northdoc on 1850 22 44 77

Change to Phlebotomy Service

Dear Patients

The Phlebotomy Service in The Parks Medical Centre has been streamlined.  The service is fully recorded and traced from request for a blood test to documenting that the patient has received their test results.  The development and implementation of this service has been extremely time consuming for both admin and medical staff.

That said, we feel that this is an important component of patient care and which has proven to be safe and extremely effective.

The implications of this significant extra manpower means that from Monday 4th March the price will increase to 40 euro.

This applies to both Private and GMS patients.

For Clarification Purposes:

GP Consultation                                                                               60E

+ bloods                                                                                              40E

Bloods as requested by GP                                                          40E

Bloods requested by patient (not by GP)                              Service not available

Consultant Bloods                                                                           List of bloods to be dropped in and confirmed by GP before appointment set up

Consultant Bloods                                                                           60-40E test dependant.

Please note there is a free GP blood clinic available to both private and public patients in Connolly Hospital. For more information about this service please see the notice beside this one.

The change in consultant bloods is to ensure the lab we use (Connolly) can process the consultant bloods as frequently Consultant led blood requests are specific and non-routine and tend to cause huge issues with the various labs

This does not affect your rights as a GMS patient as routine blood tests are not covered under the GMS contract.

Phlebotomy/Blood Clinic Service

We provide a fully traceable phlebotomy service within the practice which ensures that your blood tests are managed from your tests been ordered by your GP to you receiving your test results.

This involves and lot of man hours from various different personal within the practice.

Please note there is a free GP blood clinic available to both private and public patients in Connolly Hospital.

As we are not directly linked to the hospital, we have no control over their waiting periods nor can we predict what these waiting periods will be.

To avail of this free service in the hospital you will need to call the GP Blood Clinic Appointment line. 

This is open every day from 10am to 12pm for patients to make appointments or you can drop a GP request form into the hospital ensuring your up to date phone number is on it.

The hospital main telephone number is 01 6465000 and follow the prompt for GP Blood Clinic.

You will have discussed the ordering of your blood tests with your GP, who will fill out the request form for you to bring to the blood clinic.

Of vital importance is that, should you choose to have your bloods done through this route, you must alert the practice on the day you have your tests carried out, so that the practice can put your tests into our tracking system.

This is to ensure that both you and your GP that ordered your tests get the results.

Our nurse phone in results service is operational from Tuesday – Friday from 12pm-1pm.  The number to call is 086 2047305 and Denise is our Practice Nurse. 

All results will be given out only when your chosen GP has reviewed your results and put up a “lab review” which Denise will read out to you.  Denise cannot give out results until this is done.

The timeframe from getting bloods done to receiving your results is 2 weeks unless it is a specialist test which may take longer however our phlebotomist will inform you of this.

For Consultant led bloods we are now asking you to drop the list of bloods into reception whereby your GP will confirm prior to making an appointment if it is possible to have these tests carried out in this practice – frequently Consultant led bloods tend to be unusual tests which require specialised labs and can cause huge issues for both you the Patient, the Phlebotomist, the Lab and then subsequently the GP.

Flu Vaccine

The Flu vaccine will be available from Thursday 25th September 2018

  • Medical Card patients who fall under the HSE recommendations are covered with no additional fee.
  • For Private patients who fall under the HSE recommendations you are covered for the vaccine however there is an administration fee of €20
  • For all other patients including Medical Card patients who do not fall under the recommendations, there will be a fee of €20 for administering the Flu Vaccine.

Please call us on 01 8203303 or pop into reception to make your appointment.  

For more detailed information on the Flu Vaccine please visit the HSE site:

At-risk groups

Vaccination is strongly recommended for:

Persons aged 65 and over
Those aged 6 months and older with a long-term health condition such as

  • Chronic heart disease (this includes anyone who has a history of having a “heart attack” or unstable angina)
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Chronic respiratory disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, moderate or severe asthma or bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  • Chronic neurological disease including multiple sclerosis, hereditary and degenerative disorders of the central nervous system
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Down syndrome
  • Haemoglobinopathies
  • Morbid obesity i.e. body mass index (BMI) over 40
  • Immunosuppression due to disease or treatment, including asplenia or splenic dysfunction

Children aged 6 months and older

  • with any condition (e.g. cognitive dysfunction, spinal cord injury, seizure disorder, or other neuromuscular disorder) that can compromise respiratory function especially those attending special schools/day centres with moderate to severe neurodevelopmental disorders such as cerebral palsy and intellectual disability
  • on long-term aspirin therapy (because of the risk of Reyes syndrome)

Pregnant women (vaccine can be given at any stage of pregnancy)
Healthcare workers
Residents of nursing homes and other long stay institutions
Carers (the main carers of those in the at risk groups)
People with regular contact with pigs, poultry or water fowl

Autumn/Winter Hours 2018

Our Evening appointments are changing!!!!  

From 3rd September we will be open on Monday evenings until 6.30pm and from Monday 10th September we will be open on Monday evenings at 6.30pm and Thursday evenings until 7.30pm.  Please see our opening hours page for all other times.

Should you need medical assistance outside of these hours please contact Northdoc on 1850 224477

Summer Opening Hours


To facilitate the continual demand for day time appointments over the summer period we will no longer have an evening surgery on Monday and Thursday evenings and will instead have an additional GP session on these mornings.

These new hours will commence from Monday 18th June.

For urgent medical care outside these hours please contact

Northdoc on 1850 22 44 77. 

Bank Holiday Weekend


We will be closed on  Monday 19th March due to the bank holiday.  Normal surgery will resume on Tuesday 20th March.  Should you need medical assistance during this time please contact our out of hours service


 1850 22 44 77

HSE Parent Consultation Survery

Dear Parents

The HSE are preparing a website for parents of younger children (under 3’s) on improving care, with an emphasis on better Nutrition.  In order to make this website effective, they are interested in seeking the views of parents and have asked interested parents to fill in the survery as per the link below so that their views can be included in the website design and have asked all GP practices to post it on their practice website