Author Archives: julianne

Happy New Year

To all our patients and their families, we would like to wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.  Many thanks for all your generous gifts and cards, it was very much appreciated. 

Best wishes

Dr Orla and all in the Parks

Christmas Hours 2019

Monday 23rd December                          Normal Surgery                                                                              (no evening surgery)

Tuesday 24th December                          Emergency only                                                                              (9am – 11.30am)

Wednesday 25th December                   Closed

Thursday 26th December                        Closed

Friday 27th December                             Emergency only

(9am – 12.15pm)

Monday 30th December                          Emergency only

(9am – 12.15pm)

Tuesday 31st December                          Emergency only


Wednesday 1st January                          Closed

Thursday 2nd January                              Normal Surgery

                                                                   (no evening surgery)

Friday 3rd January                                    Normal Surgery

Surgeries during this period are for EMERGENCIES ONLY.

Routine appointments will not be carried out during this time

Outside these opening hours please contact

Northdoc on 1850 22 44 77

Autumn/Winter 2019

Dear Patients

Every Autumn/Winter we have an overwhelming increase in demand FOR APPOINTMENTS which we constantly trying to facilitate.  As you undoubtedly know, we work off a daily cancellation list, trying to get as many patients seen as we can and trying to get those seen who need it most.

Each GP can only SAFELY see a number of patients in each session and can only deal with one main issue and if time allows perhaps a small secondary issue (this being discretionary).  If you have more than one issue, we recommend booking for a double appointment, which will incur a double consultation fee.

Telephone calls

It will NOT be possible for our GP’s to return the huge volume of calls previous years has dictated.  For every clinical GP session worked there is the same if not longer, time spent on admin work.  This is predominantly spent checking results/ reading post/ actioning jobs from post/ processing a huge volume of repeat prescription requests/ PMA’s/Medical legals and then trying to return telephone calls.

This is no longer sustainable for the health of our GP’s.

There will be a limitation put on the amount of calls our GP can make and will be dictated by the GP and you may be asked to attend for consultation/review. The fee for consultation is 60 euro and the fee for a follow up review following consultation is 40 euro.

Text Messages

Please take two minutes to check if you have consented to receiving text messages from us – this is by far the most efficient way of communication

Demand for appointments

This increase in demand for appointments we know causes frustration both from YOUR perspective but also from our perspective.

We work off an appointment system to alleviate excessive delays but the nature of our business is that delays WILL occur and DO occur.

To ensure best practice is experienced by all please be patient while waiting. If you have “checked in” at reception, we know you are here and we know you are waiting.  We will be with you as quickly as we can. 

If you haven’t “checked in” then please do so straight away.

If you make an appointment and decide you don’t need it, please let us know with as much notice as possible so we can give it to another patient.

And as always, thank you for your patience.  We know how busy lives are and how extra waiting times can affect your day. 

We are always interested in patient feedback and should you wish to do so, please drop a note in the comments box!

Thursday Evening Surgery

No Thursday Evening Surgeries

Please note there will be no evening surgery on Thursdays from Thursday 10th – Thursday 31st October inclusive.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Should you require a GP out of our opening hours please call

North Doc 1850 22 44 77

Flu Vaccination

The Flu vaccine will be available from Thursday 25th September 2019

  • Medical Card patients who fall under the HSE recommendations are covered with no additional fee.
  • For all other patients including Medical Card patients who do not fall under the recommendations, there will be a fee of €20 for administering the Flu Vaccine.

Please call us on 01 8203303 or pop into reception to make your appointment.  

For more detailed information on the Flu Vaccine please visit the HSE site:

At-risk groups

Vaccination is strongly recommended for:

Persons aged 65 and over
Those aged 6 months and older with a long-term health condition such as

  • Chronic heart disease (this includes anyone who has a history of having a “heart attack” or unstable angina)
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Chronic respiratory disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, moderate or severe asthma or bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  • Chronic neurological disease including multiple sclerosis, hereditary and degenerative disorders of the central nervous system
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Down syndrome
  • Haemoglobinopathies
  • Morbid obesity i.e. body mass index (BMI) over 40
  • Immunosuppression due to disease or treatment, including asplenia or splenic dysfunction

Children aged 6 months and older

  • with any condition (e.g. cognitive dysfunction, spinal cord injury, seizure disorder, or other neuromuscular disorder) that can compromise respiratory function especially those attending special schools/day centres with moderate to severe neurodevelopmental disorders such as cerebral palsy and intellectual disability
  • on long-term aspirin therapy (because of the risk of Reyes syndrome)

Pregnant women (vaccine can be given at any stage of pregnancy)
Healthcare workers
Residents of nursing homes and other long stay institutions
Carers (the main carers of those in the at risk groups)
People with regular contact with pigs, poultry or water fowl

Welcome Dr Michelle Fagan

It is with great pleasure we introduce Dr Michelle Fagan to our practice. Michelle joined the practice this week and will be working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays. Please see our “Staff Profile” section for more information on Michelle who will no doubt will be a wonderful addition to the medical team in The Parks.

Summer Hours

Please note there will no evening surgeries on Monday and Thursday evenings for July and August. Normal evening surgeries should resume in September. Should you need medical assistance outside our opening hours please contact Northdoc on 1850 22 44 77