New Repeat Prescription Request Policy

We are working towards a new and more efficient way or ordering your repeat prescription.

Currently this is done over the phone which is extremely time consuming for both patient and practice staff along with the added frustration of trying to get through to already very busy phone lines.

We expect this whole process will take at least 12 months to complete, the initial phase will commence on November 1st 2021, and we expect we will make improvements/ changes along the way and as always value your cooperation.

It is best practice that every patient is seen by their GP on an annual basis.

The aims of our new repeat prescription policy are
• To maximise accurate prescribing of all medication
• To maximise patient safety
• To enable all patients to be fully aware of all medications they have been prescribed
• To prescribe as cost effectively as possible
• To minimise human error.
• To minimise waste of medications

We are working towards all repeat prescription requests being written by the patient themselves. The request form can be downloaded from our website in the forms and links section of the
website or requested at the front desk of the surgery.

From 1/11/21, we will not be accepting telephone requests for repeat prescriptions

From 1/11/21, it will take 72 hours from receipt of a fully filled out repeat prescription form, to the processing of this form and to email your script to your pharmacy of choice. (Please note, you must still let your pharmacy know when you would like your prescription dispensed)

From 1/1/22, it will cost 20 euros for all repeat prescriptions other than patients will full medical cards.

Your script will be reviewed by your regular GP.

Preparing a prescription takes considerable time. The GP needs to review your chart to ensure that your medication requested is medically appropriate & prescribed as safely/accurately as possible.

We ask that you request all your medication at once for the whole six month duration of your script, multiple requests within this six month span may be refused and if processed will be charged for each request, full medical card holders exempt.