We will continue with our current format of booking routine appointments in advance during our morning surgery and releasing our afternoon appointments on the day for same day urgent appointments. This system allows the practice to offer a considerable amount of same day appointments. When all our appointments are filled, we then try our best to give priority to patients the following day. This system has significantly reduced our waiting times for patients needing to see a GP. If you are unwell, you will be offered the next available GP appointment which should hopefully be within the timeframe mentioned above.
The main exception to this timeframe being a patient wishing to see a specific GP or during our busiest periods.
We will continue to always do our best and we thank you for your co-operation.
Booking an Appointment
Appointments can be booked either by telephoning the surgery on 01-8203303 or in person during office opening hours.
Cancelling an Appointment
We ask that patients contact the surgery at their earliest convenience (preferably 24 hours prior to appointment) when wishing to cancel their appointment. In doing so this ensures that valuable time is not wasted and the appointments can be offered to another patient.
Unattended Appointments
Repetitive non-attendance for appointments will incur a fee.
New Patients
It is our aim to try to accept most applications from returning patients who have family members registered with the practice, or who may have attended the practice many years ago and would like to re-register.
Due to the current volume of patients registered with us, this is monitored continually.
We can only consider patients in our catchment area, ie patients living within the Carpenterstown area and only consider family members of current patients.
Any new patient registered will become a patient of the practice and not an individual GP – this applies to requests to see Dr Conor/ Dr Myra. We have other very experienced GPs who you will be assigned to when making an appointment.
On receipt of completed registration form, the patient will receive a text message confirming their registration has been processed and requesting they make a “New Patient” GP appointment.
This appointment is to discuss, set up and manage your updated medical history. This will be an extended appointment and will incur a fee of €100.
GMS Panel/Medical Card Panel
Please note that our current GMS/medical card panel is at full capacity and as such we cannot accept NEW GMS/medical card patients. However we will always try to accept applications from our existing patients who become entitled to a medical card either due to ill health or lifestyle changes.
Length of Appointments
The standard length of a single consultation is 15 minutes. If a longer appointment is necessary, please inform our reception staff at time of booking your appointment.
House Calls
The Parks Medical Centre does not offer a house call facility as we believe a better service can be provided within the surgery. We can, however, arrange to minimise/eliminate the waiting time for extremely ill patients. Exceptions are made for terminally ill patients where agreements have been made with their regular G.P.
Under 8’s
We will have daily designated emergency appointments allocated to facilitate our Under 8 children.
They are deemed “emergency” appointments meaning the GP can and will only deal with the one presenting issue.
Please respect the nature of these appointments as they are designed to enable us to see your child in a quick and safe environment.
Routine appointments can be made and booked in advance in our morning surgery.
Medical Card Holders
The Parks Medical Centre offers a wide range of medical services with no cost to medical cardholders. There are, however, a number of services that your doctor may provide that are not covered in their contract with the HSE. In such cases The Parks Medical Centre is entitled to charge the appropriate fee for such services. Please click here to find details of such services in the Fees section of our website.
Garda Medical Scheme
Under the new Garda Medical Scheme, members of An Garda Síochána are eligible for G.P. consultations at no cost to the patient. Please note, in order to process claims, forms must be completed fully and clearly with your name, date of consultation, your badge number, the GP you attended and your signature.
The Garda Medical Scheme covers members for a GP consultations only and therefore any extra services that are provided will be charged for accordingly eg blood tests.
Please note Retired Gardaí are not covered by this scheme.
Contacting Our Doctors
Our GP’s can no longer return phone calls. The quickest and most effective way to make contact with your GP is to make an appointment. Alternatively, if you need to get a message to your GP or update them on a previous query which does not necessitate a visit we can send your GP a brief message on your behalf. If further action is required it would be advisable to make an appointment instead
Please be assured of our goodwill at all times[/showhide]